Unmotivated and Feeling Lost
Feeling lost? Taking the first step is key.
Is Finding Motivation like Finding Nemo?
I am so unmotivated. Seriously. I am recording this on my smartphone as I write because I am desperate to light a fire underneath me!
Ever look around your desk, your house, garage, or wherever, and have absolutely no idea where to start?
Where do I start? Which project do I pick? There are so many!
Okay, but I’m a life coach. I’m supposed to know how to do this because it’s what I do for others! The whole Get-Things-Done thing.
But here I am. Still. Not getting anything done.
Tick, tick, tick goes the clock.
Aha Moment: What would I say to a client?
Let’s give it a try.
(Follow along as I life coach the reflection in my mirror.)
Me, the Coach: I’d start by asking: What is the easiest simplest thing you can do? One thing. What comes first to mind?
Me, the Client: (Thinking.) Hmm. I could pick up the markers that are all over my desk.
Coach: Okay! That’s a good one. When will you start?
Client: (Great. Now I’m committed to picking up those makers!) I can do this soon.
Coach: Okay. What will you give yourself as a reward after you’ve accomplished this goal?
Client: (Thinking of a favorite treat.) I want five minutes to work on my puzzle without feeling guilty.
Coach: You’ve got it. Now when will you do it?
Client: (Okay, she’s waiting for me to pick up those markers, isn’t she?) I’ll start now. (I pick up the markers. Straighten up the piles of paper. Put away the file folder. Move the table back to its original place.) Ha! I see what you did there. I started with the markers and before I knew it the entire desk was organized.
Coach: How do you feel?
Client: Actually, good. I got one thing done and now I get to work on the puzzle, right?
Coach: Yes, you do! It’s important to reward yourself and honor that promise. Have fun!
Five minutes later…
Client: I’m back!
Coach: How was it?
Client: Nice. As I worked on the puzzle, I felt like I earned it so there was no guilt! And that inspired me to get something else done and then I get another reward!
Coach: That’s a very good idea. Do you have something in mind?
Client: Yes. I can work on the Women’s Summer Circle: Step Into Your Light, Creating a Metaphysical Practice. I’ll start by assigning an index card to each week and hang them on my bulletin board. From there I can add notes or other ideas. It will also get me pumped!
Coach: I love that idea! You’re getting something done and creating a vision board.
Client: I didn’t think of it that way. Thanks for pointing that out.
Coach: How can I support you in this process?
Client: (Thinking.) Why don’t I text you a picture of the bulletin board when all the cards are up?
Coach: Absolutely! And don’t forget to reward yourself when it’s done.
Client: Right. That’s a key part of getting out of this rut. I promise to paint my toenails this evening.
Coach: Nice. Getting ready for sandal season! I’d like to ask one thing. What did you take away from this session?
Client: That one small step leads to bigger ones. And rewarding myself, in the beginning, got me out of my rut. I have a bad habit of not following through on cashing in on my reward. That’s a promise that I will keep in the future.
Coach: Excellent. Wonderful. Now all you have to do is pick out a nail polish
About Susan and 3C Clarity
Susan Tompkins is an Intuitive Life Coach, creator of Energy Art, and self-declared Sacred Rebel. The 3Cs of Clarity — circles, coaching, and change are offered to help Women live their Best Life. Inspired by Maine’s woods and waters, Susan conducts workshops, healing circles, 1:1 coaching sessions, and guided meditations for those seeking clarity.