Why is this My Happy Place?
Our engagement, Kettle Cove. (Notice where the ring is on my fourth finger?)
What’s so magical about Kettle Cove, a small beach in Cape Elizabeth?
Why hold women’s circles at a small beach in Cape Elizabeth? Glad you asked! I’d like to share my big “why” about Kettle Cove.
The first reason is me
Since I was a teenager, I’d find myself at Kettle Cove, contemplating my current dilemma. Parents, high school, relationships or my future. Whatever the topic, I knew I’d find answers by looking out at the ocean waters.
I’d connect with the vastness, comforted by the totality of Nature. That feeling reassures me to this day that things will be okay.
The second reason is my soulmate
One July morning in 1994 I found myself picnicking on strawberries and champagne with my soulmate at my favorite beach.
I watched as Scott got down on one knee to pop “the question”, proceeding to change the course of my life in ways I could only dream of. (Yes, that’s us above, soaking up our newly-engaged vibes!).
The third reason is my baby girl
My friend and I brought our two-year-old girls to the cove one hot afternoon. At the edge of the protected waters, Julia took her first wobbly steps! We cheered and jumped for joy, once again I watched the course of my life change.
This summer’s reason is you
As I gather with with women this July and August, I’ll see my life unfolding in front of me.
In ways I could only once dream of.
About Susan and 3C Clarity
Susan Tompkins is an Intuitive Life Coach, creator of Energy Art, and self-declared Sacred Rebel. The 3Cs of Clarity — circles, coaching, and change are offered to help Women live their Best Life. Inspired by Maine’s woods and waters, Susan conducts workshops, healing circles, 1:1 coaching sessions, and guided meditations for those seeking clarity.