Clarity + Motivation
Learn tools and check out tips to unlock living your Best Life.
Life Coaching 101: Failure is okay
Schitt's Creek's mantra: It’s okay to fail. Brush yourself off and start all over again! Life Coach Susan Tompkins shares her favorite Rose Family quirky pearls of coaching wisdom.
Stepping Into Your Light
Step into your light and create a mindfulness practice. Join Life Coach Susan Tompkins and other like-minded women for this summer seaside Women's Circle.
Toxic Relationships
Take back your power by making a game plan and setting healthy boundaries. Deflect and defeat that Snarky Friend. Don't let her ruin another day!
Setting Boundaries
Saying Yes sounds nice but what is doing everything for everyone costing you? Learn ways to make the most of life by determining the highest and best use of your time.
Change for the Better
Recall the last time you were really happy? How did your day go? Ask yourself what would you give to feel this way anytime? Learn ways to create a new playlist packed with fresh tunes!
Unmotivated and Feeling Lost
In a frank discussion, Susan Tompkins chats with a life coach to finds ways to get motivated. (Hint, it starts with taking the first step.)
Start your journey
Connect with Coach Susan to create a plan and manifest your goals.